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Great ideas
Thanks Laura – enjoy!
Thanks for all your hard work–it makes helping the Grandchildren easy!
Thanks I really like your ideas.
thank you for sharing this fantastic ideas for free. this will be a big help to my Grade 1 class
You’re welcome! enjoy!
Look forward to using all your materials and ideas in my daycare.
Awesome Adria! ENjoy!
I love your ideas.I’m a preschool teacher in a church setting. I will be implementing your morning board in my circle time activities.
Thanks for writing Tammy. Take some pics and maybe I can feature your class on the blog!
Thank you so much for this template. I have been searching the internet for some time now trying to figure out how to homeschool my daughter. Everything has been so overwhelming but what you have ut together has been by far the best way to homeschool that I have seen. Thank you for this.
Thanks Emily – I’m happy to share. My boys love these fun learning activities and I hope they are fun for everyone. 🙂
I am super excited about the circle time board! Thank you so much.
I wan to share this you as well
free fine motor skills activity
You are so welcome Bekki and thanks for sharing some more great circle time ideas. 🙂
I Love all your Learn to Read Alphabet Series, thank you so much.
You’re welcome! Enjoy!
Thanks for doing this for free, my daughter cant afford to send my granddaughter to preschool, So I’m helping so she will not be behind when she starts school.
I appreciate your kind words. I pray it blesses you and your family. 🙂
do you drain the corn for creamy corn bread
Yes Bonnie – I do. Sorry, I should have explained that better. But yes, I drain the corn kernels. 🙂
Can you provide instructions on the blue macaw puppet? My daughter is doing school project. We bought all the supplies Just need a lil assistance. Thank you so much.
To create the Blue McCaw, I sketched the way I wanted it to look first – you might notice some of my drawings in the photos. The beak was created from a piece of foam that I trimmed into two hooked triangular/rectangular shapes. One pieces is large, for the upper nose, and the other is very small – representing the mouth. I used a piece of grey foam to wrap the beak, and I used straight pins to secure the grey foam to the white foam. I cut the head and neck from the felt in a fat bowling pin shape – not unlike a human profile shape. I hand stitched the two pieces of felt together and turned them so that the seam was on the inside. I used a needle and thread to sew the flat part of the beak onto the face of the Blue McCaw puppet. I then cut oval layers of felt in light blue dark blue and dark grey for the eyes. I used elmer’s glue to glue the layers and google eyes onto the puppet and I secured it with a few stitches. If you let the eyes float up from the surface of the face it actually gives the puppet lots of dimension. I used blue pipe cleaners secured by thread for the eyebrows. All of the blue feathers were sewn on by hand. I added the dark grey felt “smile” last and a fluff of feathers just over the nose as a plume at the center of the face. I’m so glad you asked! I hope those tips help. 🙂
Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas
You’re welcome Jade – enjoy!
You have some wonderful ideas for teaching….thanks for your ideas…God bless you
Thanks Merly! Comments like yours keep me going!
Your blog is fantastic! I’m looking forward to digging through your archives in search of more inspiring ideas! Also, thank you for the free printables. They will be very helpful for my son who is entering preschool in the fall.
Thanks Martha – so glad you like the printables! Thanks for being a reader and fan!
I just came this site and I’m lovin it! Thank you! #pureawesomeness
thank you 2 much for adding me
Loved everything about it. I have a grandson that’s turning 2 in September and he enjoys sesame street. I’m raising him and need ideas for his birthday party. Thank you.
Thank you!!
Love your website… I have a daycare and we do preschool activities with the kids! Thanks for such wonderful ideas!
Thanks Katherine – so glad you’re finding things to use with kiddos – it makes my heart happy!
Thank you!!
You’re welcome! Thanks for being a reader and fan!
Thank you for sharing your lovely ideas. They have been very helpful to me and all the nursery teachers of my school. Please keep up the good work ! (. (NIGERIA )
God bless you in your work in Nigeria! Thanks for being a fan and I hope to send more fun stuff your way via 🙂
Merci beaucoup !
Hi Monica,
I signed up twice but I still haven’t received the confirmation email. I’m interested in your morning board and try to get the printables to apply at home for my daughter. I’d much appreciate your help and thank you so much for your great effort in making these wonderful ideas.
May you be blessed in many ways 😉
Thank you Nina! Your note of encouragement makes my day!
thank you lots of interesting stuff
Thanks for sharing.
I am a Sunday school teacher.
God Bless you, you really encouraged me, and i thank God, i have my daughter who is 13 years and she is in class seven i dont know how to encourage her because she is shy she cannot share with me anything even she is not doing well in the school so iam wondering what to do. but i know with your encouragement i will know how to talk with her. God bless you.
Thank you so much!!
You’re welcome – enjoy!
I came across u web site and I love all the ideals u have to offer. Thank u!!
Thank you so much
i want to share bible with kids
i think its very good
Thank you – now Nanna can play and educate at the same time 🙂 xx
thanks for sharing!
Thank you for all of the interesting ideas!
You’re welcome Gwen – enjoy!
gracias por las ideas maravillosas que nos compartes
When do I get to download the freebies? I haven’t received any welcome confirmation
Hi Suzan – what are you looking for? We’re having am e-mail transition, so there is a chance something may not have made it to you. Please let me know – Thanks!
Awesome materials! Thank you so much for creating and sharing them! I am a preschool teacher in Yiwu, China and I can’t wait to use them in my phonics lessons!
That is so exciting! Chine? I’ve always wanted to see China. Thank you for writing. Good luck in your preschool.
thank you
Thank God I found your website! I’m at my wits end raising 2 boys.
Ellen – hang in there! I have found my boys to be so cuddly and sweet – you’re gonna do great!
thank you.. everything is great!!!!
thank you! I am looking forward to more great ideas