This post includes a tutorial on a preschool craft to create a thankful turkey. Our family used our Thankful Turkey to talk with our children about thankfulness and what it means to be thankful. In addition, this post reflects how thankful I am for my many blessings. I've been looking at pictures of our almost ten month old and my heart is overwhelmed with the feeling of thankfulness. I am ... View Post
Preschool Craft – I is for Igloo
Building with blocks is a great way to build fine and gross motor skills as well as foster imagination. For our study on the letter "I", we made a preschool craft - an igloo out of sugar cubes. Peanut was pretty excited about the igloo. The thing that excited him the most- taking it apart! Click this link to watch the igloo deconstruction in a reader or you can watch it on the video embedded ... View Post